Supplier FAQ

How can my company become a supplier for the University of Kansas (KU)?

To become a KU supplier, you need to register your company in our eBid system, IONWAVE. Please visit Supplier Registration (  and complete all required (i.e. red-starred) fields for supplier registration.  You should also select all the product and service categories you offer when registering.

What are the basic requirements for becoming a supplier?

The basic requirements for becoming a supplier with KU include being registered as a legitimate business entity, having the appropriate licenses and permits, and possessing the ability to meet the KU's quality and safety standards. Additionally, your company must comply with all relevant university legal and regulatory requirements.

How does the KU handle procurement?

KU follows an open, competitive procurement process to ensure fairness and transparency. We issue public solicitations for specific goods and services. Suppliers are invited to submit their bids through IONWAVE, and KU stakeholders evaluate bids -- based on predetermined criteria generally found in the accompanying RFP Document -- before awarding contract(s).

What types of goods and services does KU typically require?

KU’s requirements vary but common goods and services include office supplies, scientific equipment and consumables, software subscriptions, construction services, facilities maintenance services and more.

How can I stay informed about bid opportunities?

KU regularly posts bid opportunities at KU eBids ( We recommend checking KU eBids frequently for updates. Additionally, if you are registered in our bidding tool, you will receive system-generated email alerts about new bid opportunities in product or service categories you identified as offering during supplier registration.

What is the payment process for suppliers?

The payment process will begin once your goods or services have been delivered and accepted by KU. Invoices should be submitted in accordance with the instructions provided during the procurement process. Payment terms and conditions will be specified in the contract but are generally Net 30.  KU’s preferred method of payment is ACH.

What are the requirements for invoicing KU?

Invoices should include accurate information including the purchase order number, a detailed breakdown of the goods or services provided, and the agreed-upon price. Invoices must be submitted to Any deviations may cause payment delays.

How can I resolve payment-related issues?

If you encounter any payment-related issues, such as late or missing payments, please contact KU’s Accounts Payable department at They will assist you in resolving the matter promptly.

Does the university have any diversity initiatives?

Yes, KU is committed to promoting diversity in sourcing goods and services needed to run the university. You can find more information at Supplier Diversity | Procurement (  

Who should I contact for additional questions or support?

For general inquiries, you can contact KU Procurement using the contact information provided at the Procurement homepage at Procurement Services | Procurement (  If you have specific questions about active bids, please contact the Procurement Officer identified in the RFP Document.