Special Approvals

Certain transactions require a prior approval obtained outside of Procurement. Aside from leases, Procurement will no longer be coordinating special approvals. For greater efficiency, please work directly through steps outlined below.

Special Approvals


Leases must be reviewed by legal and procurement to ensure compliance with state and KBOR laws and regulations. 

Initiate your KU lease review by submitting a Procurement Request (Non-Tech) in our Finance Service portal. Procurement will coordinate review by various parties including:

  1. Operations to review for potential alternative solutions and provide accessibility and energy assessments
  2. Office of General Counsel to review the contract for compliance with state laws and KBOR regulations
  3. Notify Controller and CFO Chief of Staff to coordinate final approval require by CFO
  4. Ensure Leases are loaded into Oracle contract repository
  5. Attach approval and Lease documentation for payment requests

For KUCR leases, please start by filling out the KUCR Miscellaneous Agreements Request Form.

Additional Information:

This includes any new lease for space on or off campus.


Approval from KU Facilities is required for installation and payment.  Submit a service request through Facilities home page. Please include evidence of approval with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.

The review will:

  • Ensure compliance with university policies
  • Ensure compliance with state code
  • Confirm the space being used can support its installation

Additional Information:

  • Major appliances include: fans, space heaters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, or freezers
  • No special approval needed for desktop lamps or personal coffee makers

Refrigerators & Freezers for Labs, Teaching or Research

These items require an additional review and approval by KU Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and can be obtained by emailing ehsdept@ku.edu.  As with a KU Facilities approval, evidence of EHS approvals should also be included  with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.


Insurance must be reviewed by Audit, Risk, and Compliance. 

  1. Email Office of Audit, Risk, and Compliance
  2. Risk Managment will review and then provide an approval to the requestor.  

    Please include evidence of approval with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.

Additional Information:

General Liability coverage should not be purchased as it is already covered by the State Tort Claims Act

Example Insurances include:

  • Professional Liability insurance
  • International Car Insurance

Freight Insurance is excluded


To easily identify approved (licensed) suppliers,  check either the (a) Top 10 Promo Licensees List or Top 10 Apparel Licensee List below or (b) search the Brand Licensing Database

If your supplier is on either of the Top 10 lists, you are approved to use that supplier with no further action.

If your supplier is not on one of those lists but does appear as an approved supplier in the Brand Licensing Database, please include a screenshot demonstrating supplier is licensed for KU apparel and gifts with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing. 

Top 10 Apparel Licensees

Top 10 Promo Licensees

Additional Information:

These requirements apply whether the purchase is for internal consumption or resale purposes. As a reminder, any gift must not exceed $39.99 and no gift card purchases are allowed. 

Gifts are not allowed when using  research funds.


Prior to the sale of purchased items, there needs to be a rate review done by KU Controllers' office to ensure compliance with University sales policies. 

Contact Financial Reporting Services (Sarah Carver) to review. If required, include evidence of approval with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.

Additional Information:

Service Center and Recharge Center Fees Policy


On-Campus events that need food should first attempt to utilize our KU Memorial Union catering services.  Please include evidence of approval or an exception with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.  

  1. Hospitality Form or provide the Name of event, Business purpose, and count of individuals in their official capacity (KU Employee, Non-KU Attendee, KU Student Attendees)
  2. If not using KU Memorial Union, then please attach your approval from KU Memorial Union Food Exception Request.

Additional Information:

Helpful forms:

Other relevant policies include:


Limited snacks and coffee are permitted with valid receipt/invoice and a business justification for faculty/staff/students. Please include business justification with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.


If there is a valid business purpose and it supports the university mission or research, include with your requisition, payment request, or P-card reconciliation request to expedite processing.

  • KUCR research funds are not allowed to be used on personal office decoration


There is a university-wide shredding contract in place and shredding bins are available across campus. 

If you need a shred bin or a special pick-up, please reach out to Sara Otte at Proshred and send funding information to Nolan Haire to ensure payment is made timely.


All Multifunctional Devices (Print, Scan, and Copy) should be purchased through our University-wide contract with SumnerOne.  

When needing a new Multifunctional Device or changes to existing devices, please follow the below steps.

  1. Send completed SumnerOne Order Form to Ryan Harms (SumnerOne) 
  2. Submit funding for monthly invoice payment to Nolan Haire for billing.
  3. SumnerOne will coordinate with IT for approval and appropriate device selection.

Additional Information:

Ryan Harms communicates to KU IT and Department for MFD selection and installation.


KUCR does not allow for personal use items on sponsored projects.


If the purchase requires an FCC license then the two-way radio purchase should not be completed.  Please see the FCC website for more information on frequency information.

If two-way radios being purchased do not require an FCC license, then submit Oracle FITC requisition or use P-Card for purchase.

Need Help Making a Large or Complex Purchase?

Please visit the Procurement Request tiles at the Finance Service Portal and submit a new request (Tech or Non-Tech) for any of the services listed.