B&H Photo Order Process for Remote Employees
SSC member should get an electronic log-in:
- Go to B&H log-in site: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/l/eandi
- Set-up a new username by clicking “Sign Up” in the middle of the page.
- Enter your email, name, and a password unique to the site (does not have to be your KU password).
- A verification email will be sent to your email.
- Follow the verification link in the email, then click “My Account” at the top right of the page
- Click “Tax Exempt” on the left-hand side under “B&H B2B”.
- Click “+ Add New Address" and fill out the form with the billing address: 1246 West Campus Road, Room 20, Lawrence, KS 66045
- Once entered, the site will return you to the “Tax Exemption” screen.
- Select the billing address, and click “Apply”.
- An email will be sent to your inbox with a pdf attached.
- Open the pdf to find the link to submit the tax exempt certificate.
- The link will be in the following format: https://app.certexpress.com?r=__-__-__-__
- Click the link to be sent to Avalara CertExpress.
- Click “Create Requested Document”.
- Under Reason, select “STATE GOV”, Click Next.
- Click “Import your copy of this document” to upload a copy of KU’s Tax Exempt Certificate pdf.
- Contact Isaac Severance (iseverance@ku.edu) if you need a copy of this certificate.
- For the Business Information form, provide the following information:
- Blanket certificate covering multiple purchases
- 48-1124839
- Education and health-care services
- Educational Organization
- Yes
- KS - Click Next, then enter your name, title, and signature
- Once the application is submitted, B&H will notify you via email whether your account is approved or if they need further information.
- This process only needs to be completed for the billing address to ensure orders are tax exempt.
- Orders can be submitted through the website while the certificate is under review.
If you are having issues setting up or accessing your account, you can reach out to B2Bsupport@bhphoto.com.
To Order from B&H:
- Log in using the electronic login obtained in the steps above.
- Shop using the B&H Photo website: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/.
- Once you are ready to submit your order, click “My Cart” at the top right of the page, then click “Begin Checkout” on the right of the page.
- A log in prompt will pop up, if you are not currently logged in to the site.
- Verify the shipping address at the top of the page. A new address can be submitted by clicking “Change Address” then “+ New Address”.
- Verify the delivery method, then click “Continue to Payment”.
- Enter your pcard information, and verify the billing address is set to 1246 West Campus Road.
- Click “Place Order” to complete the process.