B&H Photo Order Process for Remote Employees

SSC member should get an electronic log-in:

  1. Go to B&H log-in site:  https://www.bhphotovideo.com/l/eandi
  2. Set-up a new username by clicking “Sign Up” in the middle of the page.
  3. Enter your email, name, and a password unique to the site (does not have to be your KU password).
  4. A verification email will be sent to your email.
  5. Follow the verification link in the email, then click “My Account” at the top right of the page
  6. Click “Tax Exempt” on the left-hand side under “B&H B2B”.
  7. Click “+ Add New Address" and fill out the form with the billing address:  1246 West Campus Road, Room 20, Lawrence, KS 66045
  8. Once entered, the site will return you to the “Tax Exemption” screen.
  9. Select the billing address, and click “Apply”.
  10. An email will be sent to your inbox with a pdf attached.
  • Open the pdf to find the link to submit the tax exempt certificate.
  • The link will be in the following format: https://app.certexpress.com?r=__-__-__-__
  • Click the link to be sent to Avalara CertExpress.
  • Click “Create Requested Document”.
  • Under Reason, select “STATE GOV”, Click Next.
  • Click “Import your copy of this document” to upload a copy of KU’s Tax Exempt Certificate pdf.
  • Contact Isaac Severance (iseverance@ku.edu) if you need a copy of this certificate.
  • For the Business Information form, provide the following information:
  • Blanket certificate covering multiple purchases
  • FEIN
  • 48-1124839
  • Education and health-care services
  • Educational Organization
  • Yes
  • KS - Click Next, then enter your name, title, and signature
  1. Once the application is submitted, B&H will notify you via email whether your account is approved or if they need further information.
  • This process only needs to be completed for the billing address to ensure orders are tax exempt.
  • Orders can be submitted through the website while the certificate is under review.

If you are having issues setting up or accessing your account, you can reach out to B2Bsupport@bhphoto.com.

To Order from B&H:

  1. Log in using the electronic login obtained in the steps above.
  2. Shop using the B&H Photo website: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/.
  3. Once you are ready to submit your order, click “My Cart” at the top right of the page, then click “Begin Checkout” on the right of the page.
  4. A log in prompt will pop up, if you are not currently logged in to the site.
  5. Verify the shipping address at the top of the page.  A new address can be submitted by clicking “Change Address” then “+ New Address”.
  6. Verify the delivery method, then click “Continue to Payment”.
  7. Enter your pcard information, and verify the billing address is set to 1246 West Campus Road.
  8. Click “Place Order” to complete the process.