KU Travel Expense Allowability by Funding with Resources


ATM Fees

KUCR: Only on extended stays over 7 daysnoyesno
Baggage HandlingFee charged by airlines for checked bags -- 1 or 2 personal bags are considered reasonableyesyesyes
Cash Advances/LoansKUCR: Advances must be cleared within 30 days of traveling; Includes all KU employees and KU Students
KU: Travelers are expected to use either personal or State BTC card.
Check Cashing FeeN/Anonono
Currency ConversionFees need to be documentedyesyesyes
Entertainment (a.k.a. Hospitality)KUEA & KUCR: allow business meals/entertainment for documented business purposes; identification of all parties, their title and organization and documentation of the business purpose are all required for each such meal in accordance with KU Entertainment Policy.
* KU: Limited entertainment expenses per Entertainment policy
HotelKUEA: Actual rates; "Reasonable"
KUCR: Actual rates; "Reasonable"
KU: Conference rates or CONUS or State Dept. rate limit. Excess requires justification & approval via FSKU Travel Module.
Hotel "no show" chargeEmergency situations may be allowed. Case by case.maybemaybemaybe
Hotel in-room services (e.g. movie, minibar)Personal expensesnonono
Insurance - Rental Car OnlyKU: Only collision damage waiver (CDW*). *only reimbursed.
"Trip Insurance" is not a business necessity.
is automatically included with purchase if traveller uses KU Enterprise Car Rental contract or if a KU/KUCR procurement card is used.
No insurance is paid or reimbursed with KU/KUCR funds.
KUEA must include business purpose.
Insurance - personal travel insuranceIncludes, but not limited to, flight cancellation insurances, trip insurance, etc..
For information on emergency evacuation or repatriation see HR benefits
International TravelN/Ayesyesyes
Internet AccessIf used for official business useyesyesyes
LaundryKUEA: Requires justification - evaluated case by case for extreme circumstances
KUCR: Travel over seven official business days
Meals and TipsKUEA: Actual expenses (reasonable cost) - Receipts required for reimbursement
KUCR: Per Diem - Quarter
KU: Per Diem - Quarter (CONUS Rates)

NOTE: State policy changing to Quarter Per Diem & GSA Rates effective 1/1/16
Meals and Tips - day tripKUEA: Traveling 5hr. +
KUCR: Workday is extended beyond 3 hours and only for 1 meal
KU: Workday is extended beyond 3 hours and only for 1 meal (State policy)
Meals and Tips - group eventAll: Business purpose, names and relationships of those paid for. Hospitality Form required.
KU: Allowed if fees have been collected for an event, if using fund 725 on a P-Card or if meets criteria of University Entertainment Policy for usage of State funds.
Meetings, Seminars, Conferences RegistrationMeals provided subtracted from per diemyesyesyes
MileageShortest route from point of departure (MapQuest)
KU: State Rate
Mileage vs AirfareUp to the cost of airfare and related per diem and lodging expenses. Least expensive option.
KUCR: Case by case
Mobile Device ReimbursementPlease refer to Mobile Communication & Information Devices Policy.nomaybemaybe
Passport FeesIf necessary for business tripyesyesyes
Personal Expenses - GiftsN/Anonono
Personal Time mixed w/ BusinessDocument personal time per IRS regulations, transportation costs reimbursed if business time exceeds personal time
KU and KUCR: Allowed but must follow IRS rules for accountable plan in order to be paid or reimbursed, otherwise must go through Payroll.
Other non-business travelersSpouse or Other Non-Business Travel Partner Expenses: Traveler is responsible for identifying and separating personal costs from business costs. Exceptions: Reimbursable if there is a business purpose for partner to travel.nonono
ReceiptsKUEA: Above $75 required
KU and KUCR: Receipts required except for certain misc. expenses; Miscellaneous (preferred but exceptions made if not retained); See the travel handbook here (pdf). Procurement Card: receipts are required for P Card expenses, no exceptions
TelephoneOfficial business callsyesyesyes
Theft or Accident - personalN/Anonono
Transportation - Air travelMost economical and direct routeyesyesyes
Transportation - Rental Vehicle

KUEA: Certain restrictions apply

KU & KUCR: If cheaper or more economical/advantageous than public transportation; Justification of comparison provided.

Enterprise and National contract is mandatory and must be used regardless of funding source.

Transportation - Taxi, Shuttle, Bus, SubwayKU & KUCR: To business or meeting locations. Does not apply to per diem mealsyesyesyes
Transportation - TollsN/Ayesyesyes
Transportation - Vehicle FuelOnly applies to rental company or State vehiclesyesyesyes
Visa Fees (Country/International Charges)If necessary for the business tripyesyesyes